Good Morning from Tulsa! I have an extremely early flight at the airport, so this will be a very quick blog update. Today will be one of the hotter days in quite awhile. Some towns will end up in the upper 90’s, with dangerous heat indices and not many storms on the radar. (Monday’s high in Montgomery was 95 with a Heat Index of 106)
Although the storms will be widely scattered today, they will be a little more numerous tomorrow, and for the rest of the work week. But, the heat index will be well into triple digits each day. No tropical worries for US for the next few days. Although, there are now three areas of interest in the Tropics now, including two Invests.

TODAY: Very hot day, today. There won’t be many storms on the radar, like yesterday. Rain chance 20% at best. High in the upper 90’s Yesterday the heat index was as high as 106. There’s no reason to think we won’t be in the same general neighborhood again. It’s NOT a nice neighborhood. Low tonight mid 70’s. Stay hydrated.
NEXT FEW DAYS: An easterly wave over Florida will help enhance the rain chances a bit. Scattered, random storms each day. Highs most days in the mid 90’s. Heat index will into triple digits daily. Lows at night in the 70’s. Little day to day change.

TROPICAL UPDATE: All of a sudden, the tropics are busy again. In the Atlantic there are is Invest 97 and Invest 98, both with a medium chance of development. Of more interest to us, in our “backyard”, there’s an Area to Watch with a 60% chance of becoming a Depression in the next couple of days. The Global models take this system in the general direction of the Gulf of Mexico. Probably this will be an issue for the western Gulf. The next two names on the list are Ida and Julian.

Hope you have a nice day. I have a ridiculously early flight out of here at 6:00 AM this morning, so my Blog update was rather abbreviated. Thanks for understanding. We’ll get back to regular weather videos on tomorrow morning. (That’s the plan, anyway.) I’m back LIVE on radio and TV on Thursday morning from our brand-new studio. “Chase! Daddy is coming home!” 😊