TUESDAY UPDATE: Sunny, Hotter Days – Dry Forecast

Good morning!  It’s a quiet forecast for the next several days.  We’re not only going to be dry, but our days are starting to get hotter.  Monday’s high was 81.  Today we’ll be in the upper 80’s.  Then, late week we’ll be teasing 90.  (Normal 89/67).  No big ticket weather for us.  That big windy, wet storm system in the Carolinas,  formerly called PTC 8 will not bother us.  About 9 or 10 days down the road, the models hint at some tropical trouble in the Caribbean that could be an issue.  Stay tuned.  The rest of the tropics are quiet for now.  Here’s my brief forecast discussion.    

TODAY:  Mostly Sunny. Hotter today.  High 88.   Low tonight 66.  North wind 6 to 12.   

NEXT FEW DAYS:  It’s a quiet forecast for the next several days.   High and dry through at least Sunday.  Getting hotter,  We’ll be teasing 90 Wednesday through Saturday at least.  Lows at night in the 60’s.  

Rain-free for several day through at least Sunday.

 TROPICAL UPDATE:  That big windy, wet storm system in the Carolinas,  formerly called PTC 8 is now just a regular Low pressure system,  The only other feature in the tropics now is TD Gordon.

About 9 or 10 days down the road, the GFS and other models hint at some tropical trouble in the Caribbean that could be an issue. Perhaps for Florida then moving up the East coast.   Stay tuned.

The EURO Tropical Depression probability in the Atlantic basin out 10 days.

Thanks for reading the blog from the National Weather Association Conference in Irving Texas. Today is a travel day for me.  Chase is waiting for Daddy to come home!

 My update will come from Montgomery in the morning.  Have a nice day!


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