WEDNESDAY UPDATE: High and Dry Next Several Days

Good morning!  It’s a very quiet forecast for the next several days.  We’re not only going to be dry, but our days are starting to get hotter.  Tuesday’s high was 89.  Today we’ll be near 90.  In fact, we’ll be near 90 each day through Monday. Summer is not done yet.  (Normal 89/67).  Meanwhile, all eyes of a new Area to Watch in the west Caribbean.   All the Global models hint at trouble in the Gulf next week. I have a sample of the Global model output on today’s Blog. Here’s my brief forecast discussion.    

TODAY:  Mostly Sunny. Hot for September.  High 90.   Low tonight 67.  Light wind.  

NEXT FEW DAYS:  It’s a quiet forecast for the next several days.   High and dry through at least Tuesday.  Summer is not done. We’ll be near 90 each day through Monday..  Lows at night in the 60’s.  

Rain-free for several day through at least Monday/Tuesday.

 TROPICAL UPDATE:  Of most interest to us, in this part of the world, NHC has identified an Area to Watch in the west Caribbean.  The Global models tell us this could be a potential player in the Gulf and the SE US in about a week. Right now NHC is giving it a small 20% chance.   

Let’s check the global models. This is the EURO Probability of a Tropical Storm next week.   The GFS has been consistent and aggressive on it’s forecast of a tropical storm. 

Here’s a sample of it’s Rainfall Swath through Day 10., giving us a clue on a possible track.

And the Canadian CMS Global Model.  Interesting snapshot of next Wednesday.  Tropical storm?   Hurricane?    It has my attention.  It’s early, but we’re watching.  Stay tuned.

Elsewhere in the Tropics, The Remnants of Gordon in the Central Atlantic.

FULL HARVEST MOON: Not only do we have the Full Harvest Moon, but what a show last night. Our buddy Rick Evans, former director of the Montgomery Planetarium was able to capture the partial eclipse last night. Very Cool. Thanks, Rick! #alwx

 Thanks for reading the blog. There will be another complete Blog update and video forecast discussion tomorrow morning.  This morning, everything is normal including LIVE on the Radio from 6 to 9AM on NewsTalk 93.1 – WACV.  Have a nice day!  


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