Good Morning! Cold Arctic is is now in place and locked in for the rest of thee week at least, Dress in layers. Moring wind chills in the teens will be common this morning and Wednesday AM. Highs today and for the rest of the week will average in the mid 40’s. Over night lows in the lower 20’s through Thursday morning. Looking ahead, a wintry mix still appears likely for the northern 2/3 of the state especially Thursday night and Friday morning, then turning to a cold rain later in the day Friday. Detains remain uncertain, depending on which model run you check. Here’s my brief forecast discussion
TODAY: Partly sunny, breezy and COD. High 44. North wind 11 to 16 mph. Mostly cloudy and very cold tonight. Low 44. AM wind child in the teens.

NEXT FEW DAYS: Highs today and for the rest of the week will average in the mid 40’s. Over night lows in the lower 20’s through Thursday morning. Looking ahead, a wintry mix still appears likely for the northern 2/3 of the state especially Thursday night and Friday morning, then turning to a cold rain later in the day Friday. Temperatures will moderate some over the weekend

Here’s the 10 day model blend temperature trend. Looks like freezing temperatures for each of the next 10 days.

LATE WEEK WINTRY PRECIP. THREAT:: Wintry precipitation possible for parts of the state Thursday night/Friday AM and/or Friday night, especially in North Alabama. But there are still much uncertainty. Right now, the GFS model is most aggressive, indicating for a possible mix of rain and freezing precipitation by Friday AM as far south as Troy/Eufaula. The EURO model is far less aggressive. The jury is still out.

Thanks for reading this special blog update. This morning everything is normal. We’ll be LIVE on NewsTalk 93.1. There will be another Blog Update and Forecast Video discussion in the 4’o’clck hour tomorrow morning. Have a good dau, despite the weather.