Hotter Days – Pop Up Storms Will Return – Watching the Gulf This Week – MONDAY Video

Good Morning!  Welcome to June…and welcome to Hurricane Season.  We’ll be closely monitoring the Gulf of Mexico in the week ahead.  I have the latest information on the future Invest 93-L. Plus…it’s getting hotter.  There could be some isolated pop up storms, perhaps, today.  But, those random pop-up storms will become a little more numerous later in the week, as the humidity builds. Welcome to a real summer-like week!

Hot day ahead.  Cant’t rule out an isolated random heat of the day shower or thundershower somewhere, but the chance is small.


Random pop up storms will be back in our forecast this week, especially late week and this coming weekend.

NHC  monitoring the SW Gulf.  70% chance that Invest 93-L will develop into a Depression or a name storm.

Here’s the EURO spaghetti model ensemble tracks on Invest 93-L.   The Euro, the GFS and the Canadian model suggest this will probably be a Texas problem.

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