Good Morning! Here’s my brief video forecast discussion.
TODAY: Our very wet, dismal Pattern continues. Scattered to numerous showers & storms, just about anytime, but especially in the afternoon & evening. High 82. Low tonight 72.
Here’s a Future radar example at mid afternoon. Once again today, showers & storms will be quite numerous.

Here is the EXCESSIVE rainfall outlook from WPC in Washington. Notice the Level 2 risk from Montgomery westward. This is the area that had 4+ inches of rain yesterday.

Flash Flood Watch continues for much of the western half of the state.

NEXT FEW DAYS: Storms perhaps slightly less numerous by Friday & Saturday. More scattered storms will continue Sunday through Tuesday. Little day to day change. Highs mainly in the low to mid to Upper 80’s through Sunday. Near 90 Monday & Tuesday. Lows at night in the low 70’s.

TROPICAL OUTLOOK: There are two Areas to Watch in the tropics. NHC has a 20% chance the Tropical Atlantic system will develop into a Tropical Cyclone in the next 5 days. Elsewhere, there is another Area to Watch coming into the Islands of the Caribbean. It also currently has a 20% chance of development.

The rest of the Atlantic Basin is still quiet, for now…however.. The EURO model hints that there could be some tropical mischief in the NW Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico in the next 10 days.

BEACH OUTLOOK: The beach forecast, unfortunately is not good. Showers and storms will be widespread this weekend.
Thanks for reading this Blog this morning! This morning we are LIVE on the radio from 6 to 9 on NewsTalk 93.1. Watch us on TV on CBS 8 and ABC 32. I’ll have another update for you in the morning, from the National Weather Association Conference in Pittsburgh. Have a great Thursday.
Thanks for reading this Blog this morning! This morning we are LIVE on the radio from 6 to 9 on NewsTalk 93.1. Watch us on TV on CBS 8 and ABC 32. I’ll have another update for you in the morning, from the National Weather Association Conference in Pittsburgh. Have a nice day and a great weekend.