Good Morning! The intense dangerous heat continues. The Heat Advisory will continue at least through tomorrow. Highs near 100 today and low 100s Thursday through Sunday. The Heat Index will be in the dangerous 105-110 range at least through Wednesday and probably beyond. The massive upper high in the US Heartland will also tend to keep us storm-free and dry at least through Saturday. Meanwhile, the tropics continue very busy. Tropical Storm Harold in the Gulf of Mexico will make Texas landfall this morning. Here’s my brief forecast discussion.
CLIMATE DATA: Monday’s high at MGM was 96. Morning low 75. Highest Heat index 106. No rain. Normal hi/lo: 94/71.
TODAY : Heat Advisory through Wednesday. Sunshine. Very Hot. High 100. Max Heat index to 108. Mostly clear tonight. Low 77. Light wind.
The American Heartland continues to experience extreme heat. Excessive Heat Warning.

The Massive Upper Heat Dome continues very strong, and extremely dominate.

NEXT FEW DAYS: Intense Heat Continues. Heat Advisory at least through Tuesday. Close to or exceeding record highs Wednesday through Saturday. Sunny days. Lower 100’s Tuesday through Saturday. Heat index 106 to 112. Still dry/storm-free for several days.

Potential RECORD HIGHS this week. We’ll be close to or exceeding records through Saturday. The records most in jeopardy are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Highs in the lower 100s. Hottest week of the summer so far? Probably.

TROPICAL UPDATE: Tropical Storm Harold in the Gulf is heading for the South Texas coast. Landfall is expected this morning. Tropical Storm Warning.

Elsewhere in the tropics, there is Gert, Franklin, Invest 92-L, and an Area to Watch.

Franklin is the most interesting feature. It could become a hurricane over the next few days. Will Franklin curve into the Atlantic or could it verve westward closer to the US? Much depends on the future of a trough crossing into the eastern US several days from now.

Thanks for reading this Blog this morning! This morning we are LIVE on the radio from 6 to 9 on NewsTalk 93.1. I’ll have another update for you in the morning. Have a nice day!