Cool Frontal Relief Finally On The Way – THURSDAY Video

After Michael left a trail of catastrophic destruction, the storm will quickly depart our region, and in it’s wake some really nice air will sweep into the state with a cool front.  Get ready for a nice taste of the great fall weather we’ve been dreaming about for months.  I’ll take an interesting peek down the road into next week.  What’s this I’m seeing?  Check out your Thursday morning personal weather briefing.



As Michael quickly exits the region off to the northeast, a cold front sweeps in with some nice Fall Air!

Check out the lows early Friday morning.  Amazing.


Look for a great Fall weekend ahead.  Just beautiful.  Another cool front approaches Monday.  Slight chance of showers Monday, followed by some nice air on the way behind the front Tuesday.

The GFS is hinting there could be a couple of mornings in the upper 40’s late week next week.

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