THURSDAY Video: October Start’s on a Cool Note – Jacket Weather Nights – Series of Perfect Days

Welcome to October!  Today will actually be warmer.  We’ll briefly warm to the lower 80’s this afternoon.  But, a New Surge of Fresh, Cooler, Canadian Air is sweeping southward.  Nice, comfortable days, and clear, cool nights are on the menu for the first weekend in October.  Jacket weather nights.  How long will it last?  Will tropical mischief in the Caribbean migrate to the Gulf of Mexico?  Probably.  ‘Tis the season.

A brand new surge of cooler air will set the stage for a series of nice days and cool jacket nights.

It’s clear sailing for the next several days. Sunny, Storm-free. Nice.

Disturbed weather in the Caribbean needs to be closely monitored closely. This time of the time of the year, frequently migrates to the Gulf of Mexico.

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