(**This morning I’m still in New York (this morning), but I’ll be headed to the airport for the return trip home. My update this morning will be brief. Thanks for your understanding. You’ll still hear by updates on the 8 station Bluewater family of stations every day, every hour.)
Good Morning! Our forecast for the next few days is sounding more like the second week of June. Yesterday most towns ended up in the middle 80’s. Today will be a tad warmer. Tuesday through the end of the week, high temperatures will be close to 90 each day. Today, the rain chance will be relatively small. But, expect scattered, random hit or miss storms each day through Thursday. Some towns get wet, many do not. It’s a very summer-like scenario. I don’t see any organized storm systems for the next few days.

TODAY & NEXT FEW DAYS: Look for more of a summer-like scenario. Not only will it be warm, but also a little more humid. We should reach the upper 80’s today & Monday. Early next week will be even warmer. Tuesday through the end of the week, high temperatures will be close to 90 each day. Today, the rain chance will be relatively small. There will be a somewhat better chance by Monday afternoon. Expect scattered, random hit or miss storms each day through Thursday. Some towns get wet, many do not. It will feel more like June than May.

Here is a Future Radar snapshot at 6:00 PM. Clusters of storms in parts of the region, but rather quiet across our neighborhood. Not many storms today. A little more active, though on Monday.

VERY SOLEMN MOMENTS at the 911 Word Trade Center and Memorial. The 911 Museum is simply amazing. We spent 2.5 very emotional hours at the museum, reliving that terrible day, September 11, 2001. Our lives forever changed. There was out lives BEFORE 9/11 and our lives AFTER 9/11. Never forget.

FINAL DAY IN NEW YORK CITY: Good food on Saturday. Lunch at a fancy French restaurant in West Greenwich village. This is Boucherie. I highly recommend it. That steak sandwich was the best sandwich on the whole New York weekend.

Afternoon visit to busy Washington Square Park.

Little Italy Saturday evening. Dinner at the original Vincent’s. Our final night in the Big Apple. Flight out around lunchtime today.

Thanks for reading this very brief Blog this morning! Today is a travel day for me as I head back from NYC. Tomorrow will be more of a normal Blog update! Have a great Sunday!