TUESDAY Update:   Hotter Days Ahead – Random Storms Will Return Soon

Good morning!   After a simply beautiful and comfortable Holiday weekend, our weather will be “evolving” this week.  We will be edging closer and closer to that summertime pattern.  We’ll tease 90 by Wednesday and we could be in the lower 90’s by Saturday.  Spotty, random hit or miss storms will start to pop up Wednesday  and Thursday.  They’ll be around each day through Sunday, mostly in the afternoon & evening hours.  That will start to be common feature most summer days.  Are you ready for that summertime pattern?  Here’s my brief forecast discussion.

CLIMATE DATA:  We had a cool, but nice Monday morning with 61 at MGM.  Afternoon high was a very comfortable 83.  Normal hi/lo:  89 and 65.  No rain at the airport.  It was certainly an ideal Memorial Day.

TODAY:  Mostly sunny & nice.  Warmer.  High 87.  Northwest wind 6 to 12 mph.    Mostly clear tonight.  Low 68. 

DEWPOINTS WILL RISE THIS WEEK:  In the warm weather months, the dewpoint is almost more important (as far as comfort) than the temperature.  We like it when the dewpoint is below 60.   The sixties start to feel more and more uncomfortable.  The 70’s are close to unbearable, but that’s where we stay much of the summer here in the Deep South. 

Today, dewpoints will be in the “bearable” 50’s.  But, look at how that number escalates as we get to Thursday, the first day of June.  Stand by.  We’re getting closer to the summer “muggies”. 

NEXT FEW DAYS:     Wednesday will feel more like summertime. We’ll be in the upper 80’s.   Random PM showers and storms return Wednesday through Saturday, mainly in the afternoon & evening hours.  We’ll be near 90 Friday and lower 90’s Saturday. 

HURRICANE SEASON STARTS THURSDAY:  There is an interesting Gulf “feature” the EURO model is showing Thursday through Saturday, migrating to the Bahamas over the weekend.  No biggie.  Just mentioning it.   

Thanks for reading this Blog this morning! This morning we are LIVE on the radio from 6 to 9 on NewsTalk 93.1.  Watch us on TV on CBS 8 and ABC 32.  I’ll have another update for you in the morning.  Have a nice day!


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