Good Morning! Most of us will stay dry today. There is a front along the Gulf coast. As a bubble of low pressure will move along the front. South Alabama could see a few thundershowers tonight. Much of the area has better than normal chance of showers & storms Friday. After Friday, the forecast for the rest of the Labor Day Holiday weekend looks rather routine. Small rain chance Saturday. But, right now, Sunday and Labor Day weekend look dry. And, fortunately, following the departure of Idalia, there’s no tropical concerns for the Southeastern US for the holiday weekend. That’s always great news as we approach the peek of the season. Here’s my brief forecast discussion.
TODAY: Abundant sunshine. We should be dry today. High 92. North wind 5 to 10. Partly cloudy tonight. While I think most of us stay dry, the southern counties could see some showers and thundershowers. Low tonight 72.
There is a front along the Gulf coast. As a bubble of low pressure will move along the front. South Alabama could see a few thundershowers tonight. Much of the area has better than normal chance of showers & storms Friday.

Here’s Future radar this evening. The Best rain chance is down South.

Tomorrow, scattered showers and thundershowers will be more numerous.

NEXT FEW DAYS: It’s a rather routine forecast. Scattered showers and storms will be most numerous Friday. Widely scattered storms Saturday. Mainly dry Sunday, Labor Day Monday and Tuesday. 80’s Friday and Saturday. Near 90 to low 90’s Sunday through Tuesday. HIGH Rip Current Risk Friday & Saturday. Moderate Sunday and Monday.

BEACH FORECAST: I wish I had better news about the Holiday Weekend Beach Forecast. Unfortunately, Friday and Saturday looks rather stormy at times. Storms will tend to thin out a bit Sunday and Monday.

TROPICAL UPDATE: As Idalia departs the United States, there’s no immediate tropical concerns for the SE US during the Labor Day weekend. Great news, as we approach the peek of the season on 9/11. There are FOUR other features being tracked in the tropics, but nothing we care about.
Idalia is still terrorizing the Carolinas.

FULL BLUE SUPER MOON: I forgot to mention on the video that we have a Full Moon. It’s a Blue Supermoon. A Blue moon is the second full moon in a month. The moon cycle is 28 days.
Thanks for reading this Blog this morning. This morning we are LIVE on the radio from 6 to 9 on NewsTalk 93.1. I’ll have another update for you in the morning. Have a good day!